Unnecessary pop-ups when first logging into the app

4 votes

Wants you to connect to an ELD when you first open the app, when you are first going on on-duty for the day. Drivers don't necessarily know what truck they will be driving the second they start work.

Gives pop up warning that you are not connected to the ELD, even if you may not be driving a truck that day.

Wants you to input shipment info when first logging in. Even if not connected to an ELD or if you are not driving that day. Red flags the log on the website for lack of shipment info even when you did not drive anything that requires shipment info.

The app should be made so that you don't need to connect to an ELD or enter shipment info if you aren't even driving a truck that day. The page to enter the shipment info should not even appear in the app until you are connected to the ELD. It should not pop up to connect to an eld until you are ready to drive for the day, not when you first log in to put yourself on-duty status

Under consideration Suggested by: Renee Upvoted: 30 Oct, '23 Comments: 0

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