New Encompass
Welcome to the Encompass UI Q&A Board! Please select "Add Suggestion" below to submit your questions. Responses will be visible for all. Additionally, you will receive an email, when we respond.
Ability to take pictures of fuel receipts through new ELD app
As we build out new ELD app it would be great to add the capability for drivers to be able to take pictures of their fuel receipts and add them as part of an enhanced ...
Violation for missing shipment info
within the Encompass ELD app make the shipment info filled mandatory
Ability to see the full list of mobile devices for all companies combined
On the classic version of encompass, I could see all devices associated with my company in one list. Now I have to search branch by branch.
Under consideration
Message multiple drivers at same time
I would like to be able to send a message to more than one driver at a time. Maybe a drop down box in the "To" field with checkboxes next to the driver you wish to ...
Under consideration
Unauthorized / unapproved excessive duration driver stop report
Reporting to compile a list of excessive duration stops that fall outside of a company's identified inventory of approved geofence locations. Leverage landmark and ...
Under consideration
Fuel Tax data entry, Bring back some of Classic's ease of use items
You have to re- enter the work month for every unit. (once you changed it once for the first truck in classic, it kept the new work month for the rest). clicking add ...
Under consideration
Customize Repair Orders
The description of the New UI on repair orders only lets you select a few options. We should be able to type in a description. Also, the special instructions only ...
The following reports are needed in order to file the required paperwork to the states: IFTA tax report, unit mileage report, unit tax report, state & province tax ...
Grid Log App for ELD-exempt Drivers
Create a grid log app for drivers who meet the criteria below* so they can record an electronic version of their RODS vs. doing a paper log. ...
Include option to create own title for a repair in maintenance.
When creating a repair order I would like to have the option under "description" to create my own title for the job instead of only being able to select from the drop ...
Remove or Increase 60 Character Limit for Clearing Unassigned Events
The character limit should be increased to a number greater than 60, as this is not always enough for adding a notation.
Under consideration
Ability to switch off auto-connect
Our company's drivers DO NOT drive a specific truck and bounce around between a handful of semis weekly. When logging into the app, most of the time, it attempts to ...
Under consideration
Mapping-truck icon face the direction they are going
It would be helpful if the truck icons in the mapping would face the direction they are going
Unit Maintenance App for Mechanics
A unit maintenance app for mechanics who admins don't want to have access to the Encompass website. They would like to enter in part numbers, costs, repair orders, etc...
Under consideration
Save Login Credentials
Can you add a feature to save my user name and password to speed up the login process?
Not planned
Add Accident and Incident Reporting capability to driver app
Enable drivers to record their own accidents on their smart devices using the same guided process that's in Encompass. This could be a scaled down version (minus OSHA ...
Add odometer reading to the IRP Mileage Report
It would be helpful to include the unit beginning and ending odometer within the IRP Mileage Report. This function is also available in the Trip Information Report. ...
Not planned
PM Status Report
PM Status Report. Several customers use this daily to give to night shift to complete preventative maintenance.
Under consideration
Idle Time report
I used to be able to pull a report through the Classic version that would show me the idle amounts. This helps me keep track of excessive engine idle time on our trucks.
Under consideration
Add Arizona Time Zone- NO DST
Please add an Arizona time zone with no daylight savings time. We have to continually change our divers back & forth between MST & PST to make the time accurate ...
Under consideration
PM Overdue report
needs to have the PM Overdue report in the new encompass, admin is having to contact support to get this report every month
Under consideration
under adding a repair order under the description needs to be able to type anything i want
please fix this is out record of repairs and your list that have to pick from is not cutting it please fix like old keller that allow my own description of work ...
Warning Sound
Adding a warning sound to ELD at 45 minutes, 30 minutes, and 15 minutes prior to hitting a violation.
Under consideration
agriculture exempt toggle
Owner/operating wanting a toggle switch for ag exemption instead of pc
Under consideration
DataSense and Encompass Integration
Are we planning to have Encompass and DataSense talk to each other? This would be extremely helpful for our customers; otherwise they have to enter driver information ...
Under consideration
MCS-150 alert to update in CSA Tab?
have an alert to manage the MCS-150 update and a report for VMT
Under consideration
Fillable format for the forms
Forms are only printable right now, cant fill anything out. Want to be able to fill them out from the computer.
Under consideration
I need to be able to run IRP miles for certain units for certain dates.
Under consideration
Store multiple hire and term dates under drivers/employee file in Driver Qualification employee file
in Driver Qualification employee file it would be great to be able to store multiple hire dates and termination dates. The reason I would like this is when doing DOT ...
Not planned
Remind or Require Pre & Post Trip Inspections
When Drivers go to drive, require or remind them to do a pre test and likewise when they are done driving to require or remind drivers to do a post trip inspection. ...
Under consideration
Time In/Out Report
A lot of customers use the Time In/Out Report - we could use this in the New UI
Under consideration
System automatically pulls picture from driver's license and add as Employee file picture
Applicant submits driver's license as part of driver application process. If they are then hired, the driver photo gets uploaded to the Employee File automatically. ...
Not planned
Remove Live Map from Dashboard
I don't have the need for the Live Map. Please give the option to remove.
Expiration Report
Fix expiration report to work as it did in classic encompass with customizable features.
Under consideration
Allow split shift/sleeper birth as a designated status
In the New Status area I would like to see an additional button for split shift or split sleeperbirth. I normally just got to sleeperbirth if I stop in the middle of ...
Expiration Report
Need to be able to expand the range out further then 60 days. The old system lets you put in the parameters. I schedule all physicals for the drivers and have to do ...
Under consideration
Reports and Forms option to Export to RTF
Reports and Forms does not have an option to Export to RTF in the new UI. Request to have this option
Under consideration
Expiraiton Notices-Email sent directly to employee by system
since emails are listed, the system should be able to create emails and save a bunch of clicking. With 400+ drivers it would be a time saver
Under consideration
Messaging system
Bring back the option to send my entire fleet a mass message.
Can not fathom why this was taken away.
Under consideration
Biometric App Login
It would be helpful if drivers could enable biometric login features on the mobile app if they choose to have it enabled on their device, such as facial recognition ...
Not planned
Option to use old Encompass
Please let us have the option of using the old Encompass for exempt logs till the new system is up and running smoothly as many options are still not available on the ...
Under consideration
Ability to delete and edit logs for exempt logs.
Most of our drivers use paper logs and making mistakes when inputting them in the system happens. We need to be able to edit them. The edit currently leaves the ...
Under consideration
Split Sleeper
As of writing, when taking the second break on split sleeper, drivers need to change status to ODND before it calculates his hours, driver said that it shouldn't work ...
Under consideration
Remove 120 character limit in repair order detail
Currently the special/service instruction box has a 120 character limit. This is not enough
Under consideration
Adding Unit numbers to Mapping in New UI
Admin emailed in and asked that we add unit numbers in addition to driver names in mapping for the New UI
Would like the ability to add fuel receipts in the DVIR app
Under consideration
E-Learning course attempted but not a passing score
would like to see that the driver attempted to take course but failed below the passing score. right now we can only see a score if its passing
Show Course Information on Driver Training Files
When viewing training info in a driver's file, it would be helpful if there was a way to expand the checklist items' information to show which course(s) have been ...
Under consideration
see logs in real time
This is an AT Risk client that wants to be able to view drivers logs in real time NOT once the driver submits their logs, admin stated other companies offer this and ...
Under consideration